Patient Participation Group

Patient Participation Group

Quote / Testimonial:
Our next meeting is on Friday 6th December 2024 at 2pm at Elmswood Surgery

All patients are welcome!

The PPG meets usually in alternate months between 14:00 – 15:00 or at 18.30 in the health education room at Sherwood Health Centre. 

The surgery contact is Dr I A Malik, who can be contacted on 011 9858822, or at

The Chair of the group is Sue and vice chair is Derek.

We  have a “virtual” group, communicating via the internet. If you are interested, please contact Dr Malik or complete the online form below.

The group meets to discuss local and wider issues to do with the health service and provision of primary care. We occasionally get in external speakers to inform our discussions.

The full meeting dates for 2025 are as below:

Friday 31st Jan 14:00

Wednesday 26th March 18.30

Friday 9th May 14:00

Wednesday 11th June 18.30

Friday 25th July 14.00

Wednesday 3rd Sep 18.30

Friday 17th Oct 14.00

Wednesday 26th Nov 18.30

Friday 19th Dec  14.00

Getting your view

The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.

Meeting Minutes


Minutes of PPG Meeting – 2pm Friday 31st January 2025

Present :- Sue Tribe, Justina Pawlaczyk, Amanda Roberts, Magrit Mitchell, Charlie Wilson, Derek Huett

We opened our meeting with a report on the latest Hub which had taken place on Wednesday 29th with Suzanna and Derek in attendance.

The general consensus of those participating was that the attendance numbers were down on previous Hubs.  Some felt that the choice of a Wednesday was an error and that the next Hub would revert back to a Friday.

In conversation with visitors, two issues were prominent.  It became clear that the Health Check programme, which attracts many people, could have been better organised.  Some sort of ticketing /queuing should be in place.

Then secondly, when we said we were from Elmswood, those visitors who knew our surgery were complimentary.  This was in contrast to another surgery about which a number of people complained.

The major topic of our meeting was a progress update of our Chair’s invitation last year to Nadia Whittome, out local MP, to attend one of our meetings.  At that time, the pressures on a new MP and illness meant her office declined Sue’s invitation.  However, they have come back to Sue and agreed to a meeting in the very near future.  This is quite a coup and an opportunity we need to grasp and exploit.

Over the next few weeks we will contact and visit the other surgeries in our PCN and invite a representative from each to attend.  This is a wonderful opportunity to express any concerns or issues that our surgeries may be facing.

In addition, hopefully Dr Coleman will attend to promote the medical research programme she leads.

As our Chair said at the end of our session last Friday – “This could be a very important meeting in the life of our surgery”